I've been tagged by
JennyBunny in a game of blog tag. When I first started my blog I was tagged but didn't know how to link to new people to continue the game. Now I know how so here it goes.
Here are the guidelines:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
After some contemplation I decided it was a good time to throw up some photos. I'm not sure what anybody would want to know about me?

1) I started out looking like this.

2)I'm an artist and I paint. Here I am Baldylocks but on
Etsy.com I'm known as

3)I graduated from University, 2006 with Honours and distinction. I also graduated with blue hair! Well...a blue wig.

4)I buy crazy domain names like PimpMyCancer.com. I'm doing a project about how corporations are commercializing our illness'. Billions are raised in our names yet many suffer with lack of services or help. They are making money off of us! I could go on and on and on and on about that but I'll save it for my project. Look out!

5)I'm building a fun website with articles for young adults with cancer because there don't seem to be any others. It should be online later in January. Go me!
I'm tagging
Miss Melanoma,
Lauren and
RealDiva. Go! I look forward to reading more about you! You're fabulous!
Speaking of being more impressed every time I come here! Wow, who knew talented and evidently brainsy little you has so much going on.
I've got a couple of domain names under my belt, too- but not much work into them. BanTheTan.com, TheNewNormal.com, I could go on (snooze).
I'm excited about seeing your new sites come up. We definitely need both! I'll post my tag after work.
Keep it up, sister.
Yay! Thanks, you. I've been meaning to get down to blog biznas for awhile... PS: love your wall candy. You're a gorgeous painter, and a painter of gorgeous things.
Happy holidays to you too! Here's to meeting up in the New Year.
Is it bad that I'm kinda lazy and feel like just posting my things about me on your comments??
1. I love lambs... and the saying sad lamb... most people just look at me like I'm crazy when I say it... which is true
2. I've never been out of the country (except to Montreal, which kinda doesn't count) - and only went to California for the first time a few years ago... I've basically never been anywhere!
3. I can touch my nose with my tongue -- and I used to have it pierced in high school/ early college
4. My middle name is Anne
5. I like to drink any alcoholic drinks out of martini glasses...
I'm not surprised you wore blue hair to your graduation! Your art is gorgeous and your spirit is awe inspiring. Hope you have a great Christmas and a new year filled with better health :)
I will do the tag thingie soon I promise. I'm just feeling a wee bit down at the moment and can't think of anything positive to say. I'll get back to you when I've stopped being so self centred and whiny.
I wrote it! I don't know enough people online to really tag anyone, but it should be a little entertaining to read.
Cheers darlin'!
Pimpmycancer. That is amazing.
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