WallCandy says:
I did it. It's so sad.
First after 6 and a half hours it was half raw which we discovered after people were eating it.
Now after being put back in the oven it looks like it's spontaneously combusted.
I pray to the turkey Gods for forgiveness.
yoboseiyo says:
oh no!
i'm sure they'll forgive.
WallCandy says:
I'm feeling pretty lousy about the turkey disaster.
WallCandy says:
Not a lot of turkey sympathy happening tonight.
I was hoping at least one other person had suffered this fate in their lives.
Oh well, it must just be me.
Perhaps it's too painful a subject?
CrochetandCrafts says:
I destroy ramen noodles and macaroni and cheese. I burn water.
ericalev says:
I tend to either get an overcooked dry turkey or a rawish one. My sympathies. :(
yoboseiyo says:
my dad blew up the oven once trying to make steaks.......
WallCandy says:
I had no ramen noodles or water in it and I still burnt it.
I think crocheting is a great trade for being able to cook. I like a hammer and nails over cooking.
beadifulthings says:
we were once forced to eat charcoal ribs after my mom burned them....
WallCandy says:
It is so hard core cooked now that the house smells like burnt turkey (which I've never smelled before).
I'm not sure if any of it is salvageable. Does anybody know of any dried turkey crafts?
WallCandy says:
beadifulthings Oh, I'm so sorry! I'd never make my kids eat it.
WallCandy says:
I posted a photo of the horror on my blog. My work is done here.
artgirlx says:
is that you in your avatar? cute grad pic. Sorry about the turkey incident.
FreakyOldWoman says:
OH GAWD! That's tragic!
When my sister was in college somebody burnt the ramen so they nailed it to the wall. I don't suggest doing that with the turkey though!
WallCandy says:
Yup. That's me a year and a half ago.
WallCandy says:
I wonder if I have long enough nails to get that sucker on the wall.
artgirlx says:
oh man, that is one hurtin turkey.
FreakyOldWoman says:
You could fill the pan with resin and put legs under it, make an end table!
WallCandy says:
I like that FreakyOldWoman, now your thinking!
WallCandy says:
I think it needs a little glitter.
FreakyOldWoman says:
Glitter is ALWAYS good!
RaeGun says:
I highly recommend those baking bags. I tried it for the first time this week. So easy so fast and so yummy. It's a lot harder to screw those up.
WallCandy says:
It seems my oven is on the fritz. What a way to find out.
As long as my kids don't start heaving tonight all should be OK.
*Except for the crushing, turkey guilt*
bamabelle says:
Well, honey chile, you may not be able to cook a turkey, but you have a ROCKIN hairdo!!!!
WallCandy says:
Thanks! Compliments ease the pain.
I'm glad you fixed your disaster :)
You can't go wrong with glitter...and then nail to the wall or hang it from your rear view mirror..hahaha
Darling, Blessed Christmas to you :)
I'm caught up in a game of tag here and I'm tagging you for a game of "7 things meme"
see my blog http://angelicquirk.blogspot.com if you want to play :)
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