I managed to pay my rent! One more month of financial security! Sort of.
My son and girlfriend are fine after the knifer incident.
My sons prom went well and he was SO handsome. BinarySoul from Etsy sent a beautiful and amazing gift for him which he loved! When I gave it to him he said,"Sweeeet!", which meant, he liked it. I had seen her wares around Etsy a lot and thought they were pretty cool but I didn't truly understand the sheer magnitude of "sweetness" until I held it in my hand. The links were so meticulously put together I felt I was holding something from another era, where craftsmanship meant so much more than it does now.
He had a wallet chain once before but there is no comparison. Here is the link to her shop. Go check it out!

It is nothing short of wicked awesome. Thanks BinarySoul! I will be forever grateful.
The power of human empathy has continued to be proved to me despite some bleak circumstances recently. Some of it I don't post about.
I'm healing slowly from my surgery but I am exceptionally tired...just like I am every day and have been for the last 2 years. I'm sure I'll pick up soon.
I just sold a small painting, so that will help with the finances a little.
Life in general is stable for now which I am completely and utterly grateful for.
Thanks for the update!
I am reading your blog for the first time and I really enjoy your sense of humor and positive perspective on life. I too am a cancer survivor and I blog at bothofus.org. Thank you for sharing your experiences and relating your truths. Please continue.
I'm happy for you that stability is resuming for you -- it's important. Sending you healthy healing thoughts...
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