I haven't been able to move since the wedding on Friday. My body and mind are just too exhausted to function. I spent 2 days out of town and thought that I'd be ok because I've been on the upswing.
While getting ready for my brothers big day I've been taking my son to doctors for ultrasounds and biopsies of a lymph node on his neck. It's enlarged and they decided it must be removed as soon as possible. They surgeon was willing to come in from his holidays to do it. They made a tentative appointment for Sept 11 but were scrambling for something immediate.
I called to the office to check what was happening and there was a little bit of urgency in the receptionists voice. They were trying their best to get him in. I took my son for his pr-op appointment with our GP.
The morning of the wedding I received a phone call from the hospital that they would be doing the operation on Wed. He needs to stay over night and it will be a week of no activity for him. His summer is suddenly done.
I'm used to terrible things happening to me but when it is your child it is a whole other thing. I try and live my life normally, because that's what you do. Yet here I lay in my bed not being able to move.
My son has so many questions. Will it hurt long term, will his neck look different, will he be kept from doing anything he loves? Will the slight chance of damaging nerves that will effect his smile his speech or his arm happen?
We're scared.
I left him for a few days with his grandparents, who let him run a little wild and camp on a nearby island with his friends. I'm about to go pick him up and bring him home. We will arrive at the hospital at 6:40 in the morning.
That little fucker of a lymph node better be benign.
Sending lots of positive energy your way......
You and your son are in my thoughts and I'm sending good energy your guys' way.
We are rooting for him here. Big love all the way from Wales!
Sending healing thoughts to your son and strength and comfort to both of you.
Keeping you all in my thoughts. And yes, that little fucker of a lymph node better be benign!
It will be and we'll have a drink to celebrate. He's young and resilient. He'll bounce back from surgery quickly and with no side effects. Kids do!
Tight hugs
I have to echo the sentiments above - love and best wishes to both of you,
Charlotte xx
Baldybabe, I do hope and pray that the little fucker is totally benign!!!
I hope everything is o.k. with you and your son. Please keep us posted-
Yes, good vibes to you and your son. And praying that lymph node is just a bunch of nothingness!
Hope all went well today
thinking of you
xxxreiki hugsxxx
Good thoughts your way. I can't imagine... he's got a great role model in you, though, so I'm sure he'll be strong.
agree - that little fucker better be benign.
We have a 15 year old son, so I can be scared for you.
Sending HUGE healthy prayers and energy your way.
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