Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wonder Woman Prophecies

Do you ever wish you had Super Powers?

I do. At the tough times, I do my best to channel Wonder Woman. Sometimes it's necessary, so I can have the strength to keep going every day. She was a babe who could make a difference with her flashy wrist cuffs, golden lasso of truth and her trademark wonder boobs (as my mother liked to call them). I would tackle the world and make it right, I would keep my family safe from harm. I would go back in time like Superman and save the people who I watched succumb to cancer so that they could still be with their families. If I had super powers, I would be able to heal the deep wounds of the past and knock down the barriers to living. I would carry all the people I love off into the sunset.

When life gets tough, crack out the Wonder Woman and the stripy socks. You'd be surprised to know how much it helps. It keeps me from curling up into a little ball in the corner and keeps me dreaming of living well, living long, living happily. It reminds me that life is good.

I wore these on the way to bring my son home for his surgery. Every little bit helps. These are from ansleybleu on Etsy. Bless her for making the best things in the world, and thanks to my secret somebody. *blows kisses*

The all important update on my son is this;

I think he looks okay?


Michelle said...

Oh my goodness!

I'd say he looks better than OK!!!


Grizzly Mountain Arts said...

Yikes! Glad you didn't have to take him BACK to the hospital after that :) So very glad he had great news after the biopsy and that you're feeling better too :)

Anonymous said...

C-A-UTE! Your WW cuffs and your son! I gotta go get me some of those cuffs for those really bad, weeks. Would come in handy right about now.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm on her site now trying to buy them but I want to give you credit for rerferring me. Would you mind sending me your Etsy username so I can tell them it was you? :)

Anonymous said...

Your cuffs are awesome, as are the photos! I'm glad he's OK...get some rest, lady. :)

Ansley Bleu said...

Great post. The photo of you driving is fantastic too. Your son looks beautiful.

Ann said...

Love those cuffs and happy to hear your son is doing well.

13 Delancey Street said...

Wonder Woman has a Wonder Son! (NICE flip!)

I can't begin to imagine how relieved you must be. Yay, yay, YAY for the good news!

Hey Harriet said...

Great news about your son! He certainly looks ok! I love Wonder Woman too! I so wanted to be her when I was growing up. I guess it wasn't meant to be... Those WW cuffs are super cool!

Unknown said...

beautiful post and thank goodness your son is doing well!

melissa said...

Super Post! I'm glad your son is doing great!

Many Blessings

Unknown said...

ha! love those pics of him flying in the air. and the last one should be framed.

great post.

hockeychic said...

Great pics of your son. It is wonderful to see him looking so well and flying through the air!

Elizabeth M. said...

Yay for you and your son! Fab flip btw...
Love the WW cuffs...think I might have to have a pair!

BaldyLocks said...

I know! Everybody should have a set of these.

Anonymous said...

fantastic cuffs. niiiice photo series of the flip. hope you're all well and happy.

Trac said...

Hi there...

Just a quickie.

Could you go to my profile, where you will find my email address and send me one.

I'd like to invite you to join the H2H blog (it's now locked)to either write or just read and comment, if you are not there already.
There are so many, I get confused!

I'm easily confused! :O)

High Desert Diva said...

He looks more than okay!

The cuffs rock!

Ndinombethe said...

That sequence of shots scared the shit out of me! Yeah he looks great - so glad he landed that flip as well... phew! Don't do that to me again. I was like "the ground's too close, he's not going to make it" :)