This sucks. My second son and I went on a pilgrimage last Friday to get the H1N1 vaccine. It turns out we didn't get it fast enough. Day before yesterday 3rd son had a headache. By Morning he was looking like hell. Second son said he had a sore throat. I rushed them in to the doctor who was able to get us in at 11:00am. He confirmed that they likely have the H1N1 flu. We were given prescriptions of TamaFlu (not sure if that's how it's spelled) and I immediately had them filled.
They became increasingly ill all day and this morning but at this second they are feeling a touch better. I've been wearing one of my left over masks from when my immune system was really low but I think it's too late. I have a headache and my throat is a little sore.
I live with those symptoms anyway and even have hot flashes from my early menopause so it's hard to say if this is anything extra. The flu shot takes a certain amount of days to kick in and it seems we just barely caught it before the vaccine worked.
I have to admit, this really pisses me off, I feel extraordinarily angry at the H1N1. Seriously, how dare it come after me. I didn't barely make it through cancer just to be killed off by a fucking flu! FUCK YOU SWINE FLU! I will kick it's ass all over the place!
So, if I have it, it will be my first flu since my transplant. I guess it's finally time to take this new immune system out for a test drive. Who knows how it will deal with the flu virus much less a rogue respiratory attacking flu virus? Kind of scary, kind of anger inducing.
Anyway, if I die I'm going to die with these shoes on because I've never even had a chance to wear them.

hey Im just getting over what seems like it was the flu also my first 4 months post SCT it was crazy my blood pressure plummeted and I ended up fainting on my way back to bed and falling backwards down a flight of 30 hardwood stairs...I had a horrific headache, a crazy fever for days on end and Im still coughing up a lung even though all the other symptoms have gone away about a week ago... its been 10 days since I first statted to have symptoms be well please!!!! thinking of you!!!
Holy shit, Neil! Didn't you get an anti-viral? I hope you're okay?
i am not sure if i have it. i have something. it's not fun. hope you stay safe.
You too, bitt. So far so good, nothing has changed in the last hour or so.
In Germany, the swine flu wave seems to be at their beginning. I was vaccinated on Thursday.
Yesterday I had a slight headache (due to the effect of the vaccine. This morning (now) it's been quite OK. I hope it is also with you, perhaps a side effect of the vaccine.
So I hope you feel good again soon. I keep my fingers crossed.
Well, it's been a few hours and so far, so good. I'm all in one piece and the boys are okay. I'll see how we are by tomorrow.
Basically I think there is a race going on between my body, building the immunity from the vaccine and the virus which I've been exposed to.
i hope you'll be ok. i'm avoiding leaving the house in fear of it and i'm not sure where to go to get the shot. anyway, i hope you don't have it to begin with. take care of yourself and get tons of rest.
Just keep your hands washed and when you're out don't touch you face, eyes or nose. Don't touch your food with your hands and when you get home, wash them thoroughly. This kept me from getting sick for 5 years (except the leukemia)
"This kept me from getting sick for 5 years (except the leukemia)" - ha ha - made me laugh :) - see - even you getting leukemia can make someone else laugh BaldyLocks :) You're a born comedian!
Good luck - I hope your body building immunity wins the race (as I'm sure you do too). I know you'll seek medical help quickly if any of the three of you start showing seriously worrying symptoms so I won't suggest that.
Sending support and hugs from Australia to one of my favorite friends.
Best wishes - Ed Everest
Hey Rose Im doing better no anti virals it was too late to give them to me. all I can say is this illness sucked almost as hard as the HDC did for my SCT...
I punch the swine flu in the FACE!!! Best things ever for a sore throat....cherry limeade slush from Sonic, strawberry slush float fron Dairy Queen or Red Rock gingerale.....or equal parts of honey, lemon and Jack Daniels warmed up....my personal fave! Hope y'all get better quick!
I hope you all feel better soon. Keep your fluid intake up and eat a whole heap of oranges.
Swine Flu in the UK seems to be fairly mild flu for most people lasting only a few days, but there are some that is is affecting worse. I'm just hoping if I do get it I have the mild version.
All of you others that are suffering from it, get well soon and bitch slap all those viruses out of your system.
Those are so fabulous shoes! You can't die from the flu, those shoes need some wearin'
I haven't got my shot yet either. I see my oncologist next week, we'll see what he says.
So far, so good. I just woke up and have the same symptoms as before but now I'm sure they're just my usual stuff.
They boys are okay, eating cereal and playing video games like there is no tomorrow. Tamiflu seems to be very effective if you get it to them quickly enough.
Our versions here AA is quite bad and lasts several weeks unless it turns into pneumonia. Some people here are ending up on ventilators.
ur funny. i got vaccinated with my kids on Thursday. Hope u don't have it.
Sure hope you don't get it ... yiks.
By the way ... love the shoes.
Those would be awesome shoes to die in. Don't worry though, I think you'll be fine. Just keep those kids locked upstairs and you will all survive the zombie plague. Seriously though, hang in there and I hope you don't catch it!
Okay, Vintage Blue Studio, that's the best comment EVER!
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