Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How Far I've Come

As I embark on my fifth year post stem cell transplant I can't help but reflect on how far I've come. When I watched this again, I hurt for myself and how hard it was.

And as much as it feels like life has come to a halt, time passes.


naw said...

you know often when I sit back and reflect on the cancer journey we have both been on all I can do is cry... the words that this project has no end just made me crumble into tears... these words always do as we both know as SCT survivors it is just that... no matter how far we come the reality is that we cant ever let project life end as that means we have given our enemy the upper hand...

Caroline said...

What a profound and moving statement. Congratulations on five years.

Anonymous said...

as always...just loved it...and the new look of the page...

can't wait to see the next chapter in your project...

Cheryl Thornton

Jens said...

Good for us that you are here.
An interesting word, the word "halt".

Now your life is rolling again.

BaldyLocks said...

Well it's actually my 4th anniversary and I'm just embarking on my 5th. I can't wait :)

Yes, my life is rolling again!

BaldyLocks said...

Oh, and thanks for commenting on the new look. I spent all day fiddling with it because I want to add my list on the side somewhere. Despite all the fiddling it's really not much different yet other than a few things not fitting in their boxes.

It's trial and error :)

I hope some of them were happy tears, Neil? It is very sad, that's why I'm so grateful it's mostly behind me.

naw said...

its always a mixture of sad and happy tears...

Dawny said...

WOW....you are one A.M.A.Z.I.N.G lady
