Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Diagnosis Day

Five years ago today my life blew apart forever. I seem to be okay with not remembering this particular milestone but some one always reminds me.


Caroline said...

But you are still here five years later.

BaldyLocks said...

I'm extraordinarily glad to be here :)

Dawny said...

So am I :O)


nicole said...

Hi - you don't know me, but I just wanted to say...I love your blog. My partner was diagnosed with ALL in Oct/07. He went through 2 1/2 years of chemo & was in remission. We found out almost 2 months ago that he's had a relapse & this time they are pushing for a transplant. Reading your blog has really, really helped me to understand what we may be in for. I love & appreciate your honesty in writing about what you've been through & what you continue to go through. You're a great strength!

Tracey said...

come november it'll be my 5 year of that awful day.. i know i'm happy i'm still around to tell the tale and i'm really pleased you are too.

big hugs xxxx

Dawny said...

Hey hope you are ok?

Sun is shining in London and thought of you :O)
