I bought this necklace for myself because I am my own best friend (except for Kelly from Chemopolooza, of course). I had my eye on one like it just before I was diagnosed because it reflects the large paintings I do. (used to do)

I wish I'd bought this from SmokingLily (smokinglily.com).

This too.
I had a gift this year that blew me away. I am a very independent person and needing all this help has been frustrating. Due to my low immune system, I am not allowed to catch public transportation.
That's right. No buses etc. etc. It's been difficult to say the least because I have to call someone to get to my Dr.s appoinmtents, get groceries.... I generally stay in my area within a few blocks because I can't walk much farther. I've begun frequenting Starbucks because it's somewhere I can actually get to and I don't even drink coffee!
I have had a couple of volunteer agencies, who have been helping me as well. This is great and all but doesn't do much for the self esteem.
Whaa, whaa.

My parents gave me their car! I can't even believe it! Everything I've had I've gotten myself (up until now).
While I was gone for treatment my van sat idle for months and months. It died and I haven't driven for 5 months!
I can't tell you how amazing it feels to be able to get around yourself! My world has opened up from a few blocks to who knows where? Last night I drove all along the water and stopped briefly at all the spots I used to sit at on my breaks from school.
Look out world....I'm back....

Yay for fabulous birthday presents!!! I also think there should be AT LEAST a birthday week, if not month... mine was Sept 9th, and I'm still celebrating :) Whoops!
Hope you enjoyed yourself.
Your bff,
I second the yay for fabulous birthday presents! And I must also agree - my birthday is next weekend (so happy birthday, fellow Libra!!) and I insist it must be an event at least 3 days long. :)
Happy Birthday!
Dearest Blog Dunce,
I am a blogging guru and would be happy to teach you anything you need to know. For links in blog posts you highlight the word that you want to become a link and then click that icon on the blogger toolbar next to the T -- it has something that looks like a link in a necklace, and you insert the URL that you want the word to point to.. make sense??
And if you want to list sites you like on your blog (to be on every time people check it out) you can add a page element on your blog and add a link list, and voila!
Anywho, we're psychic cancer pals, what can I say! I hope you're out driving your new car and picking up dudes that like cancer... :) Don't forget to send the leftovers to ME! Oh and PS, I decided I'm making one of my guy friends sleep in my bed next weekend damnit! I told a few of them, I said I really don't care which one of you, but one of you is going to snuggle with me, thanks! :) ha ha, I'm serious too!!
Hope you're laughing now!
Your psychic bff,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! After what you have been through, birthdays must be all the more special - and you're right they should go for a week! We don't stop and appreciate the fact we have lived a whole other year! Congrats also on your rediscovered mobility - I too would hate to rely on others for getting places.
I'm a big fan of the birthday week. Congratulations on your new freedom - how wonderful for you! And that necklace is divine.
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