I'm officially baldylocks.com! Type it in! You'll get my blog! And if you type it into Google I'm #2. I was ticked off that I was outdone by
Urban Dictionary, so I put my 2 cents in by putting the REAL definition of Baldylocks in! Ha ha! I rule!

If you want you can click onto
Urban Dictionary and give my definition a thumbs up!!
My definition rocks. Take that UrbanD!
I'm so proud.
The thumbs up has been done :) Yaaay!
I'll add Baldylocks.com to my favorites instead now :) Oh and it'll be easier for me to read you at work now, because I can much remember that much easier - damn blogspot/blogger names :)
My name domain forwarding is popping an ad! I am so angry! I have to fix that somehow. I want to switch the name to godaddy but I'll have to wait 60 days.
Any suggestions on how to remove the violating ad before 60 days are up, let me know. Register.com is doing this because I have their forwarding on.
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