That friend who you were there for when their parents kicked them out, that person who you've known forever. That person that you saved from the schoolyard bully but happened to be a bully themselves. That person who you tried to make feel like a valuable human being, even when their behavior was deplorable.

Have you felt the sting of constant condescending remarks and just told yourself to let it roll off your back, and make excuses for them saying, "They've had a rough life, that's the best they can do."

Have you listened to and soothed someones ego through their divorce, bad relationships and bad choices. Have you ever thought that, that someone, really could respect you and your own choices for your life.

Have you ever felt you were losing a part of yourself when you tried to have empathy for someone who could not feel empathy for them self, much less others.
Have you reached that moment when you realize what a lot of time you wasted thinking that someone was who they weren't. Sometimes things and people are as they seem. You can read the book by the cover, after all.

Do you know that nanosecond when the spite from this person has now been aimed at your child? It's easy to see at that moment what a coward looks like. So you take the knife out of your back and realize what little effort will be needed to carry on without them.
Gotta say...I'm cheering wildly here.
Good riddance to them, whoever they are.
You are a wonderful and powerful writer. Sounds like you've expended enough life force on this person with nothing in return. Let them go with no regrets.
Oh, and where are the otter pictures?
The otter pictures are just a few posts back.
I know a person just like that only she used her children as part of her con to get me to get lots of money out of other people. Thankfully she got found out before any money was paid over to her.
Some people are the opposite of what's written on the cover.
I guess we live and learn.
I'm sorry you had to deal with this. :(
Been there, it's not as hard as you would think to just walk away!! Good Luck.
Yes, I do know. This was really perfectly written. Thank you.
Thanks, I needed that! I know exactly what sort of situation you're talking about, and you are so right to be done with it!
Wow--the pictures were so well matched to this post. Especially since the people you describe are people I think of as "energy vampires."
It's a crappy feeling to know you've put a lot out there with a friend, just to have them throw it away. The feeling of betrayal is gut wrenching. I'm sorry you had to deal with this now.
Good riddance to bad rubbish!! And good for you for moving on!
have you been playing with my friends?! the hard part is over. i know for me, getting dumped by a friend would be easier than cutting one off. rejoice in how light you feel with the load off your back.
Thanks for all the supportive comments. It sounds like most of us have been there.
Been there... more times than I care to remember.
Moving on is not nearly as hard as staying in an unhealthy relationship emotionally.... good for you for choosing emotional health!
I hate being 'there' and know that it's about that time to burn some bridges again. It seems like something that comes along with Spring Cleaning, I guess. Clean the house of cluttered shit, clean my life of cluttered shit.
Unfortunately, it's usually my family members I break away from once a year. On the bright side I'm down to about 4, so this time next year I'll be posting an add on Craigslist for a new family, haha.
Keep your head up and know you're better off without 'shit' (for lack of better words) stinking up your life.
You've done good.
Still lovin your work.
your post shows strength and integrity and it touched my heart
Well, this was the one needing a empathy vaccine, wasn't he?
Hugs to you, you are incredible!
Have I? Have I felt the sting of the friend betrayal? OH YEAH. I think the worst losses occured during the cancer diagnosis. It still stings, and not a day has gone by yet, that it doesn't wrench my gut a little. Good thing is that I know now who I can really count on and who is filled with cliche.
May you find great friends and be surrounded by love and honesty FOREVER!
Lots of love and FUN,
Hi there, sorry to hear all that! Sounds like your are keeping your chin up and marching on. Have missed seeing your posts!
Some people are just hard to give up on.I kept making excuses for one of my best friends for almost 8 years but the moment I made up my mind is when she treated my child the same way she was treating me.I guess we just need to see it done to somebody we care about to draw the line.I'm glad I did but it still hurts thinking about it.
Hang in there.
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