I remember the first time I ever saw the paragliders, I was amazed. People can fly.

They weren't falling, they weren't propelling themselves through the air, they were simply floating. The beauty of their sails and the gentle moving with the breeze is hypnotic and entrancing.

I suppose they are a bit like kites, except for that, kites fight the oncoming wind and are tethered to the Earth.

Paragliders are neither here nor there. For a time they are not tied to any worldly assumptions or rules. Gravity is a concept at the back of their minds.

When I watch them shifting back and forth along the ocean banks I feel they are surreal. I am looking at them through the barrel of my camera but they seem not to notice I am in the same time and space with them. They are the observer and I am the observed. I wonder how I look to them, down here without wings.
beautiful pictures!
Gorgeous pictures, m'dear.
It seems to peaceful!
Yes, me too with the Etsy - let's be Favourites.
Ooh, I love your comments on the pictures as well.
That was beautiful...the photos and your words.
My husband went parasailing (a little different as he was tethered) when we were in Mexico two years ago. I don't think I've ever seen him so filled with joy...he was absolutely bursting with excitement when he landed.
I'm glad to see that you are putting that camera to use.
Have you been to the new Planet Cancer (blog), it is way better that just regular blogger for cancer patients anyways... There are so many people on this site that know where you are coming from.
I think that you would really like it.
This is beautiful, reminds me of thoughts after losing a loved one. Nicely written....
Ooooh, Roseanne, I LOVE the items in your WallCandy shop. Your style really, really, really hits me where I live. Let's meet again someday when I'm in Victoria, and have tea and talk about lots of fun creative things - pretty please?
Shoosh, never the comment-stalker! I'm making myself familiar with Etsy - feel like such a neophyte there.
Hey, got email?
You're photos are fabulous! I wish I was able to fly...
It looks like fun from the ground..
Makes me weak thinking about flying around like that.
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