It seems my doctor isn't working today. I guess I'll just have to wait out the weekend to see the results of my ultrasound. I think brownies and a lot of whipping cream in a can is in order.

And I suppose I'll just have to keep entertaining myself in my own odd ways. I think spending WAY too much down time makes you a little loopy.
I should just try and watch T.V.
Love the Party pills collage!
Your doctor is not winning any points.
Hope you feel better - and get good news soon!
offer still good...come visit!
I hate when people leave you hanging like that. I'm hanging at the moment for them to decide if I will still get my benefits or not, after having a medical on Thursday. It will take about 3 weeks and then if they say I can't I have to appeal... ho hum... I hate the waiting.
Maybe we should set ourselves a silly challenge to think about instead. Something that takes little energy but occupies the brain fully, so it doesn't have time to brood on other stuff.
How about we pick a theme and we all have to make something to post on our blogs within that them?
I'm feeling the love of robots and spiders right now... how about one of them as a theme?
Ok so Robots first and spiders second?
I set up a Robot challenge on my blog to let others join in if they wish.Post link here
I am keeping you in my thoughts..
How goes the robot distraction?
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