I'm doing the happy dance right now! Mentally of course. Spectacular and tragic accidents happen when I physically try and do the happy dance.
I finally got a hold of a copy of the news article the paper did about me and my artwork. The photo of me is HUGE. I admit, it's a good photo of me, taken last year in brief time I was off the prednisone. I look pretty hot and fabulous with my "pixie cut" and my boots.
I was on the cover of the ARTS section and my photo takes up most of the page. The article is hideously flawed with misquotes, including a baited quote at the end. I would have never said, "It would be nice if people would buy my paintings", if the journalist hadn't asked and baited me in to saying it. How unprofessional sounding on my part. Also, the part at the bottom of the article where they say, "see ART SHOW pg. 2", it said, "see DISEASE pg.2" It also called me, "groggy", because I explained, "chemo brain" to him. They also had the photo of my painting sideways, but whatever. ANYWAY. I could write another article on all the mistakes they made, but all in all, it looks really good.
The part that has me really excited, is how the universe has a way of putting things together.
A few years ago I left the community I grew up in to finish my studies at a larger university with more impressive credentials. As I finished my last year I ended up diagnosed with leukemia. While I was in hospital I read an article from a First Nations artist from my home community. He candidly spoke about how he nearly ended his life and how the decision to create through art, saved his life. I was incredibly touched by his story and cut out the article to paste in my cancer scrapbook. His honesty and struggle gave me an extra bit of fight and inspiration.
As I sat side stage during my convocation, I looked in the grad pamphlet and saw that I had graduated with honours and with distinction! I also learned that the artist whom I had read about was receiving an honorary degree. I heard him tell the same story that I had pasted in my scrapbook a few days earlier.
After the ceremony, I went backstage and to meet him and they threw me in front of the camera during his photo shoot...with my blue wig! When I was back in hospital for my stem cell transplant, he tracked down my grandmother and through her, sent me a beautiful card and hand written note.
I also used a quote from him in my artist write up, for my show.
Today, when I opened the paper, there was a full article of him opposite to mine in the Community section. Between the two of us we took up the entire two pages! I've been planning to get in contact with him again to thank him. This is the little push I've needed, to do it.
I'm sitting on my patio right now, in the dark typing this and feeling very blessed, lucky...and content.
WoooHooo! You're a super star, centre spread, uber artist lady!
I'm going to brag to all my friends that I knew you when you weren't famous...
I demand to see scanned in photos of the article :)
...Hmmm I think I'm on a sugar rush.
Yippppeeeeeeeeeeee! The chocoholic has taken flight!
Excellent news (even with misquotes)!
Yes, scanned article or link to article or something!
congratulations, and yes-the universe has a way of opening doors, windows, eyes and opportunities. peace...
Wonderful news and ain't the world small feelings? I LOVE your pixie 'do. I'm at that stage now and I'm pretty sure that's where it's staying. Before the big C my hair was constantly in flux but curly and super short has been a blast the last two times I've had it so hopefully when the prednisone is out of my system I won't just look like a fuzzy headded grossly overstuffed caterpillar and I'll look like I have some style. Keep rockin' with your art!
Scan it in super star...I knew you could do it....and to think back to the little art show we were in at my place...and look at you now...In your face, Snobby Vision Tour..hahahha
Good for you.
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