WooHoo! I'm so excited! I'm in bed thinking about my oncologist appointment tomorrow. It will be a long day but this is an appointment I've been waiting for for a while. My surgery is done and my blood looks good, liver enzymes and all of that. My liver is happy so I'm happy too! My creatinine level is about the only thing that is off and that is because of my cyclosporin (anti rejection drug).
I know my oncologist likes to say, "don't get too excited", so I'll just jump up and down now before I get there! I'm expecting a huge change in my medications. I'm expecting to be taken off several things that make me sick! ! ! I should be started on my immunization schedule as well. I'm a blank slate right now with no immunities to anything. My transplant was like an immune system-reboot. I could catch anything and everything so I have to be hyper vigilant to stay healthy.
This appointment should be a major step forward for me to getting better. A new era has arrived! So hopefully this regime will look a little different tomorrow;

I have a million questions to ask like;
Dr, why don't my hands work? I'm an artist, I need my hands.
Dr, can I leave the country any time soon?
Dr, when is this debilitating fatigue going to end?
Dr, when will I get back my cognitive functioning? Is this chemo brain going to last forever?
Dr, when should I be able to expect to be a bit more like myself again?
Dr, why?
I'm going to hound her about everything under the sun because I CAN.
I know what she will say. Exercise more. Exercise = Good.
I'll try and get her to do the happy dance with me.
And this will be SO out of date!
I'm going to end this with my maniacal, over excited, jumping to conclusions, laughter HAhahaHAhhA!
I hope your appointment goes well! And that you will be feeling well again very soon.
Oh, I really hope that your appointment goes well too...
Yes I'm early with the celebrations because I believe in positive thinking :-)
I'm so happy for you already!!
Can't wait to find out how many of the pills get to go bye bye!
Best of luck with your appointment! Normalization = Good.
First, you are beautiful.
Second, I'm so amazed at your strength. You need that attitude to say F$ck Cancer and open that can of whoopass.
Third, I think you are probably gone by now, but make sure you do one wicked happy dance. Huge.
Sending so much love your way,
PS--that video is amazing. You need to make a documentary, Kris Karr style :) I'd buy it!
Congrats!!! I'll have my fingers crossed that everything goes perfectly. :)
all the best for you today!
Good Luck at your appt. today~ I hope everything turns out BETTER than your expecting :)
Wow, you've been through so much. I hope that your day is all you hope it to be....
GOOD LUCK> sorry for the caps but I reallllly want to wish you well.
Thanks everybody! I'm absolutely tingling with anticipation! Happy dance, here I come!
Fingers crossed that all goes well at your appt. Let us know!
I remember those days... I know it's hard to believe but they do end and become a distant memory.
I hope it all goes superbly!!!
Good luck! I hope it brings good things.
Ooooooooo!Yippeeeeeeee! I hope all your deepest desires come true.
Oh and whilst you are at it can you ask the Doc, why in the fluff you find in men's belly buttons nearly always blue? :)
I hope your appointment goes very well. I just got done reading your blog and think you are such a beautiful lady.
sending love and extra cancer kick ass mojo for ya!
Good luck!!! How did it go? Please keep us all posted cause we care!!! :O)
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