I'm laying here covered in hurt. During my hiatus from the computer I visited my GP about my carpel tunnel. It had gotten so bad that my shoulder hurt and I couldn't hold things or drive with out serious pain. Every thing I do feels like walking through neck high mud. It's hard.
When I asked my doctor about what was happening and described what I was going through, she told me I don't sleep at night and end up wrenching my body into weird contortionist angles to try and get comfortable. She asked a few questions and BINGO. I realized she was right. She told me to go get wrist splints and then one of the molded pillows. She also raised my sleeping medications. The first few nights I felt like a freak. Isn't all this cancer/stem cell/puffy prednisone head shit enough without adding insult to injury with cripple splints? I felt like a monster.
I drove around to several stores looking for one of those freak pillows. I was so steaming angry while I was shopping that I'm sure I was spewing nuclear grade energy out into the biosphere. There was no one anywhere in site to help me find the freaky P. I had to drive to another mall. There was a young couple registering for their wedding in the line in front of me. I had had it! Then I growled at the price and dickered her down until I got it for $24. I left down that escalator hoping to not end up like this gentleman. (escalators are my nemesis). Damned you vile escalator!
After I got home I braced for an uncomfortable night but as soon as my head hit the much expensive pillow, I was in lala land. I slept like a rock.
After a week I started to feel a lot better. My pain started slipping away. My days were easier and I was functioning at an acceptable level for the first time in a looooong time. I realized I could have a life! I bought a few clothes and a couple of hair accessories and I felt human again. I even started a waterfit class! So, it's an arthritic class for elderly people but it is the right place for me right now. My sleeping pills were only raised for a week, so I'm slipping down into the pain and soft tissue damage at night again. But at least now I can discuss this with my oncologist and see what she says.
I've been in bed these last 2 days because the elderly people kicked my ass in that last class. They are much to fast for me! I'm really not sure about going again tomorrow but we'll see. Maybe I'll be the one kicking ass soon?
At least now I know there is a solution to my pain problems and that makes me very happy and hopeful.
Carpel tunnel stinks. I have been wearing braces for four years. They do help! Good luck with the waterfit class.
I'm glad you are able to sleep! I have a freaky pillow too!
I was eyeballing one of those pillows myself the other day....
Glad the pain is getting down to a tolerable level.
Go to the waterfit class...just soak in the water.
The top you're wearing in that photo looks uber cute btw.
HUGE HUGS. You are such an inspiration.
Glad to hear you got some rest, and talk to your doc about keeping that up.
I'm glad you were able to find some relief. Your shopping expedition story gave me a chuckle, even though I'm sure it was horrible for you. I just loved the way you told it.
Hi i bumped into your blog from etsy =P ... i hope you feel better... i'm sure you'll kick ol' people ass soon in that waterfit class =D
Hi babe, long time no comment.Sorry about that.
Hi babe, long time no comment for me. Sorry about that. I've been taking time out to rest and chill. Sorry to hear you have been in pain. I hope it all gets resolved very soon. I have a moulded memory foam pillow... yep I'm a freak. I also am going to buy a memory foam mattress topper once I have the money. Embrace your feakiness. Being normal ain't all that!
Huzzah for all the freaky, odd people in the world! We ROCK! hehehehe
I love this pic of you...and am glad I found your blog - it's great.
What is the pillow you found? I am currently trying to battle the symptoms and just got done with acupuncture. This pillow sound great. I can be reached on convo on etsy www.GlitzyGallery.etsy.com
I'm a huge fan of the freaky pillow now! It's like a sci-fi sleep device.
I cannot resist it's narcoleptic powers.
Hi lovely Skully!
I'm going to that class today and will take it easy so I can stay mobile for my Birthday!
Lala Land? Klingt lustig. Nie zuvor gehoert. Auch wenn meine Muttersprache nicht Englisch ist, wusste ich sofort was gemeint war. Ein "Universalausdruck".Daumen hoch!
(Lala land? Sounds funny. Never heard before. Even though my mother tongue is not English, I knew immediately what was meant. A "universal expression." Thumbs up!)
Lala Land. Ha ha.
Hi, anonymous Jens! I love your translated comments!
Ich schreibe nur was ich denke. Nebenbei, ich betrete jetzt die "lala Land"-Zone. Gute Nacht.
(I write only what I think. Incidentally, I now enter the "lala land" zone. Good night.)
So good that you can get sleep. Any relief from pain is so wonderful. Hope this continues.
Yay for sleep!
That poor old man going up the escalator, haha
I suffered from pregnancy onset carpal tunnel. Damn, it hurts- thankfully it subsided. I've heard massage therapy, besides feeling great, can help if you go regularly.
Hope you're still getting sleep. It's a terrible thing when you look at your bed and think of it as a torture table.
glad I found your blog through etsy, sorry to hear you are in pain. I think I am going to have to be careful as my wrist is starting to hurt alot and I have recently bought a wrist rest to use when I am on the computer. It would help if I wasn't so addicted to the internet!!
Internet addiction is what got me into the mess! (sort of) Damned Esty!
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