I'm pretty proud of myself right now. I've been really sick since about 11pm and have felt like doing the upchuck. I think I may have a small fever as well which would just be playing into my GP's prophecy. I still think everything is fine because I get sick to my stomach and other areas on a fairly consistent basis. It feels gross but I believe it's harmless and it's not a flu. Just special random crap I have to go through.... because I'm that damn special.
So, it's 3:20am and I felt better enough to drag myself to the 7/11, get hit on in the line up and buy a ginger-ale. I'm pretty resourceful and usually have some in my cupboard but unfortunately I recreationally drank it before Christmas. That'll teach me.
And all is well now, all is well. I may even get out a straw.
And you got hit on in line at the 7 11? Was he cute?
I hope you feel better but isn't it nice to have a 'normal' medical malady for once?
Dude, Anonymous should get a clue. This blog is about our beloved Baldylocks... NOT some scheisty scheme. Hope you're feeling better soon and I hope you got hit on my the clerk or a police man or an early rising construction guy and not a methhead passer by. Have a good weekend.
Ginger ale I've tasted before. Uhm ... blah ... somehow. But cheers indeed, sweet lady. And a speedy recovery.
P.S.-Here's something to chuckle. But beware, fairly hefty.
Good grief, I'm going to have to put a spam filter on my blog because they've found me!
The guy was kind of cute but I'm pretty sure he's wasn't a keeper. He referred to me as his girl friend and then tried to feed me carrots.
Gingerale is good for settling upset stomachs and it made mine feel a whole lot better.
who wouldnt hit on you... :)
hey he offered you carrots that a good sign hes a healthy eater... what he was doinfg at 7-11 at 3am is another story ;)
Hope your puky feeling goes away soon, Im like you always have a few cans of ginger ale in the fridge... for such an occassion and usually someone drinks it up and when I need it most its not there. ;)
I dont know about you but some times when I look at my life from the out side I think its a pretty decent sitcom....
Im not as candid about my silly situations as you are so I dont really talk about them on my blog but I certainly relate to my friends and family verbally it gets a few chuckles just as your do when I read them. it would be interesting to see how many of us cancer folk have similar funny going to the 7-11 type of stories in a moment of desperate need to get some thing to calm the side effect fires and we are met up with some sort of typical "normal" world nusance like some dude hitting on you in line... he has no idea whats going on for you at that moment but the head in his pants is thinking way faster then he could possibly realise that you might up chuck all over his lovely carrots ;)
Red Rock Ginger Ale.....best ginger ale EVER...and best thing for a messed up stomach....no joke!
You're a baldie hottie?! I write Baldie's Blog. I think we have a lot in common. Would love to chat.
Hope you feel better soon. I'm hanging in there too.
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