I thought I may as well add this photo of the ManCandy dressed as Pocahontas from Halloween. That's me in the background taking photos. It's not often you get to see a guy in a short skirt hula hooping in a hoop you made.
Personally I think men should do that more often.
Hah at first glance I didn't realise that wasn't a girl. Take that as a compliment or an insult, whichever floats your boat more. I just wish my legs looked that good in a mini-skirt!
No fair - I want his legs. I'll take the butt too while I'm at it. Heck, I'll take ANY butt (since mine is flat and non-existent).
He definitely had nice legs, might as well show them off!
Looked like fun :O)
That was the best. Thanks for posting the photo. Haven't seen him since that night... wonder why?
That's too bad. Cute neighbors should definitely be seen. Maybe you could go over and borrow some sugar... just for my sake?
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