So I walked into an unspecified beauty store which is supposed to have the most natural products on the market. I expressed my concerns to the woman working there and she lead me to an exfoliant which had no perfumes or colours. It was supposed to be extremely gentle and was made with aloe vera. She even tested it on my hand first and convinced me it would be fine.
I used it the evening before in case it didn't agree with me despite the hand skin test. I went to bed and this was the result in the morning.

This photo doesn't even show the full extent of the copious rashiness.
I took the product back to the store that morning to get my money back saying, "it didn't work for me". Meanwhile the person who I spoke to wouldn't look me in the eye or even at me at all. She kept averting my gaze and shuffling around returning my money without question. In fact it seemed suspiciously like she was trying to get my ass out of the store as quickly as possible without the other customers seeing me.
I left with my gargantuous sunglasses on, hair down facing the floor looking a lot like someone who was being carted off to prison trying to conceal their identity. Unfortunately my circumstance wasn't that flashy or interesting. Just a case of face cream gone horribly, horribly wrong.
So yesterday it seemed a little better but the problem of the dry white skin was worse than the one I originally wanted to fix. And then I thought, well I have lots of time left before I fly to New York so I should be healed by then.
The last half of yesterday my face felt kind of burny but I hadn't been in the sun and it had been 24 hrs since the use of the face burning cream so I assumed it was my stupid menopause.
Then this morning I wake up and my face has scales! SCALES! Scales of dried skin all over but worse in some spots than others. I'd have to have a bag over my head to leave the house today without someone thinking I had some sort of evil skin disease. I even get eczema on my face and this is so much worse than that, so today my face cream is hydrocortisone cream.
I will keep my fingers crossed that it will be gone by the time I fly. All this for some a minute amount of vanity. In my mind I was thinking it would be nice to do a small kind thing for myself but it backfired big time. This is my first big trip in 18 years and Mr. Murphy is having a great laugh at my expense.
So Mr. Murphey if you are reading this, with all due respect, you can kindly take your law and bite me.
Oh no :O(
I use REN skincare.....
might be worth a look
Hope your skin clears up...looks & feels great soon. I had to cancel OMG NYC....having my daughter's graduation party 1 day & going to my birth-brothers house in PA for first time ever to meet my niece, nephew & sister in law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited!
Hopefully I will get to come meet you in Canada.....want to go to Vancouver so bad!!!!!
Have a BLAST!!!!
Oh no! CAn you get in to see a dermatologist? Or go ask a pharmacist what you can use??? Kick Mr. Murphy in the ass for me if you see him please!
I'm afraid to try anything now so I'll just keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. Thanks for the link, Dawny, I'll take a look.
I'm so sad that I won't get to meet you Miss Sweety. One day :)
And Caroline, I have a boot with Mr. Murphy's name on it.
hey you - your best bet is to go to a dermatologist - safest bet too... what a frustrating situation!
Frustrating, yes. My face looks like it has a case of dandruff today.
Check your FB private messages !!!
You looked totally normal to me.
It was so nice to meet you in person! I hope you had a great weekend - I thought the summit was fabulous, and it's so heartening to see people coming together to change this shythole we find ourselves in.
Hope your trip home was easy and that jet-lag is giving you a good excuse for an extra nap.
Sarah (The Carcinista)
It was nice to meet you too Sarah! My face was pretty calm by the time I saw you. What a day that was.
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