or was it?
I knew that deep in my heart I wanted the Fuck Cancer T shirt that I've been planning to make since I was sitting in the hospital, bald as a baby bird. I also felt this little pang. I had bungee on the brain. I know that my body is pretty slow now but that doesn't stop that inner daredevil from existing. The chemotherapy that destroyed my immune system did NOT kill it off. It just sits, quietly behaving, waiting for things to get better...
but it can't control the occasional outburst.
Next thing you know I hop in the car and head downtown to the T shirt making place, where I met Mariah.
I picked a shirt and she helped me mull over the selection of letters that would immortalize my innermost feelings. Should it be glitter silver? Or red so it doesn't stand out so much? Or a rainbow, 'fuck', and silver, "cancer'? In the end we decided that what could be better than a glitter rainbow saying, "fuck cancer'?

I tried not to stare at her while she carefully placed the letters but I couldn't help being there for the final moment of glory.

Mariah was such a good sport and made the whole process a lot more fun with her smiles.

So I went home and did a bunch of arranging of the kiddlets because I would be gone overnight, and I was off!

Over the mountains towards my next adventure.

Me likes!
Brilliant :O)
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