I've been very busy getting things ready for my art shows, starting from the ground up. I have no space in my house to work so I have completely rearranged my bedroom to be my place to sleep, my office and my painting studio. Only one thing can be done at a time because there is no space so I've started with scanning a lot of photos of my childhood and my parents childhood. I use these in various ways in my paintings. The work I've been doing the past few years has had a lot to do with photographs.
I have also been watching, thinking and mulling but not necessarily in that order. It almost feels like I'm not doing much except putting out family fires and making sure everyone is alive. It's not easy to be single parenting these days. Not that it ever was I guess.
Mulling over the concepts for my art shows though is critical. I have had a lot of thoughts, ideas and AHA! moments (not necessarily in that order) in the last few years and it seems to be a big job to graft them together into something comprehensive. All the artwork in one show needs to be a body of work that can hang together.
My areas of study in art have been pretty varied and the art I create is just as varied. I can flip flop from one complete style to the next without blinking an eye. I suppose that's a good thing except when I need to put together a body of work that all looks like it comes from me.
The planning and milling around my room portion is a good part to be doing right now considering I'm not well. I work around the ebb and flow of what my body needs. I have the odd mini dance party here and there to keep my energy from falling into a deep hole.
As this process goes on, if I keep plugging away and getting as little or as much done as I can in a day, I think I should be able to make the deadlines. This is the part where it goes from exciting to work.
I plan to continue posting here about my post cancer adventures, my health, my inspiration and snippets of work for the impending arts shows. I'll also be offering the odd art piece here for sale. It's a lot to do so wish me luck.
Luck is being wished :O)
I wish you luck with all my heart.
Wishing you lots of good luck!
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