Looky that! A day designated just for us. Who would have known it would be National Grouch Day. Somebody needs to pull up their socks on this whole getting the word out thing. Damned slackers!
To celebrate our National Grouch Day I'm going to throw a contest. Whoever can identify the Mystery Meals on Wheels meal will get a magnet from my shop.
How about "This Sucks, No Shit" in green?

Or how about "Bite Me" in pink?
So, drum roll pleeeease......

This is not a joke. Someone expected me to eat this. Yes, I know I'm ungrateful, but really? Add this with a little nausea and you have a party!
Please leave a comment on what you think it is and you might WIN.
Okay, carrots I guess and some kind of fried rice the main dish looks like some sort of chinese noodle thing. On the whole, I do not blame you for not eating it!!!
is there chicken burried under those onions? i can't even fathom what that is.
When I find stuff like that in my fridge..I throw it out...but here goes my discription..Birds Nest Surprise, Congealed carrots and Rice pilaf(because you have to peel-it-off the roof of your mouth) I am pretty sure they are featuring that on Rachel Ray next week!!yum..bon appetite
Obviously carrots (which look the best out of the meal) then some yucky burned rice, and looks like burnt spaghetti, if that's even possible!! BARF. I think you should have some instant soup or a pb&j :)
These guesses are great. As far as I can tell it's not any sort of pasta I've ever seen, it doesn't look like Chinese or onions?
There isn't any hidden chicken....
I think we may need some forensic testing.
Keep the guesses coming! You never know who might be right. Mine is only an opinion.
Squash! Boiled, burnt, blanched, crisped-beyond-belief spaghetti squash. Yeah... and carrots, and weirdo rice. Mmmm... don't eat that. Sorry you even had to look at it!
no idea what that is on the left! burnt stuck together noodles? something being passed off as pasta bake perhaps? lol no idea!
Looks like sauerkraut to me, but surely no one would put that as the main part of a meal. So it may be rice noodles. And carrots, of course, and fried rice?
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad you liked it. I've visited yours a couple of times but never got around to bookmarking...
I'll give this a few days and then decide on who wins. I tried to do some sleuthing by looking for the monthly "menu" to find out what it is.
I haven't found it yet but I have feeling someone here is bang on.
meals on wheels??
chinese noodles rice, and carrots? YUK
Whatever it is, I'm sooo glad you didn't eat and die THAT way! :)
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