Fast forward to a year and a half later.
My physical and mental abilities due to treatment are low but improving. I get very scared when I am unable to get out of bed for days. WHY WON'T MY BODY MOVE?
So that leaves me doing things such as plotting relentlessly on what I'll do to improve my situation.
So let's review my skills and abilities. Previously I decided I had all the qualifications to be a paperweight. I think recently I've moved beyond that and am now contemplating on some of my new skills.
Other than laying around plotting, I realized I spend a lot of time dealing with my medications. This is a photo of a days worth of meds.
Some of the meds I have to cut in half to get the correct dosage. That's when it occurred to me...

....I could be a crack dealer.

I'm somewhat excited at the prospect of my new career. I'm sure it pays a lot more than being a paperweight.
Hilarious :) I love your wit and the photos!!
you had me laughing too! very creative :)
Hi. I just joined i[2]y and found your blog on their list. I can totally relate to some of your feelings in this post. Take care and good luck in your new career! ;)
Love your little crack den...and only you would see this light at the end of the tunnel
I remember those days, It get's better... Eventually!!!
I want that photo of the pills on a T-Shirt!
That is one fine cocktail of narcotics.
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