Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Epic Invasion

Invasion or infestation? I've been sick for two years, officially now. Well, even longer before my diagnosis. During this time something disturbing happened...

Somehow, some way, the children became men....and took over.

They have apparently coped with our current situation by transforming our house into an oasis of testosterone. Our living room is an orgy of game systems, computer, tv's, dvd players and Lego. There are dishes, couch cushions, Easter candy, wrappers and game controllers. They freely shed their clothes throughout the house as I find socks, pants, shirts, shorts stuffed under couch cushions, under chairs in get the picture.

I try in vain to see if there is any evidence of me living here but all that is visible is the odd painting here and there.

So, despite the hideous and mysterious pain I'm in, I'm trying to get things back together. I managed to get them to clean the living room but not without a whole lot of, "I didn't do that! Why doesn't HE have to clean it up?" It's always easy to confuse the parent when there are 3 of them banding together.

When things were looking a lot tidier I realized...

There was some sort of epic battle going on in my livingroom.

The place is infested with Bionicles and Halo guys! They are crawling the walls.

I suppose it's my fault as they seem to have been attracted by my abandoned Christmas decorating.

It looks as if the Bionicles are out for some action but the Halo guys just want to chill, with a view.


Willow's World & Willow's Wool said...

great blog....made me laugh out loud!

Skully said...

Hehehe... I want my house infested with Bionicles :)

Take revenge on your boys by infesting their bedrooms with Barbie!

High Desert Diva said...


trinlayk said...

I have some friends, who one Christmas decorated the tree with... action figures...

and the little village with the train running through it, also had Godzilla stomping through...

The next year the tree was decorated with the ships from Star Trek and Star Wars....

BaldyLocks said...

Oh, thats so funny. We've done that too. Our "star" has been the Halo Master chief.

I made him wings.