I have to process my doctors news before I post it so I will skillfully change the subject and distract with Skully's Robot Distraction Project.
A few months ago I foolishly went out for an hour, leaving my sons at home alone. I paid the price dearly.

Anyway I had to replace all the tinfoil, Saran wrap, and duct tape in the house.
YAY! Robot boy is fabulous!!! That's so brilliant.
Jon is sulking because he wanted to be Robot Boy. :) I guess I better get some boxes and gaffer tape out.
I can send my kids over and they'll whip him up a costume he'll never forget!
They even had antennae made from wire.
Hehehe, that would make his day.
Nothing like a kids' creativity. Love the fact that he's standing in front of the rocket launch painting.
Made me think of the scene in Fried Green Tomatoes when Kathy Bates opened the door wrapped (entirely) in saran wrap. Or did I just make that up?
Let us know when you feel like sharing your news...
Hi there stranger! I’m writing to inform you that I have selected your blog to be featured on my new website www.masskickers.com. As the power of the internet provides more information about one’s new diagnosis, the need for an online health store for the newly diagnosed patient and their loved ones has emerged. Patients are continually looking for information online. mAss Kickers will fulfill this need by offering links to diagnosis specific organizations, offer informational books by leading experts, and inspirational books by survivors of specific diagnoses to provide knowledge, courage, and strength in unity through this intimidating process.
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Have to admit, he is very creative..
Love the Robot Boy! What a clever & crafty little fellow!
Are you a Magnetic Fields fan by any chance? The top pic reminded me of their last CD. If you're not a fan of the band it won't make any sense, so just ignore my ramblings :)
I love it! Awesome! I think I'll go make myself a costume out of tape and waxed paper instead of doing my PST return.
Also - holy awesome photos of cleaning your house, and the action figure war on the wall. My boyfriend wants to set one up in our house now.
Coming to the Island in a few weeks... when we pin a day down I'll let you know - hope you'll be free!
HA HA! How cute!
I can't wait until my little nephew grows up... And does horrible things to my little sister.... lol.
Love the robot boy!
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