Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dress Hunter

I went on a mission today to buy a dress to wear for my brother's wedding.

Currently I have 2 pairs of that my mom handed down to me. I have a few shirts that are newish because my chest is slightly larger than usual because of my prednisone. That's the only side effect that has turned out in my favour. So anyway, it goes without saying that I need some new duds that are worthy of leaving the house.

First I did some research to find out what the heck is out there. I made this post on Etsy and received some very good places to start. I don't know what I like anymore and I don't know what looks good on me because my body shape is very different from before.

Here are a few of my try ons. I finally started to take photos to occupy myself while I waited a mind numbingly long time for somebody to notice I was a customer and was trying to buy things.

The last store actually paid attention to my pleas for a dressing room and other sizes. They even took this photo while simultaneously telling me I look good in this "dress".

I had forgotten the sophisticated and cunning gaming rules of clothes shopping. They compliment you and "oooh" and "awww" about how good you look, then BAM! You come out with things that make you look like and overgrown 12 year old in a nighty.

In the end my heart crumbled and I fell hard core for this one, now it is mine! It was a challenge considering I had to literally tackle employees of two different Gap stores to find the right size and take my money.

Next time I'll bring a snare trap to catch the roaming employees.


Andrea Q said...

I think you made a great choice. Glad you left the purpleish one at the store!

Captain Skulduggery Dug said...

You look fab in that dress! In fact you look fab period... Although I still like your hair in all the tiny volcano's all over your [url=]head.[/url]

Captain Skulduggery Dug said...

Oops, I messed up that code.... silly me.

kim* said...

aw-- you are cute in skirts

Rosebud Collection said...

You know, that was my favorite on you.I think it is lovely and you look great in it.

High Desert Diva said...

Oh good....that was my fave.

Great choice! It's really cute and looks fantastic on you.

Blooming Lily said...

That is the one I liked best I was so happy when I scrolled down and saw your final choice!

Now...what SHOES are you going to wear?

Ana said...

great choice! I love it

Evelin said...

You chose my favorite of the lot too. I think you look great :)

Excellent choice :)

trinlayk said...

Yeah, #1 seems too "Little house on the prairie"

#2 and #3 are good, and #4 no, just don't.

The one you bought (#2) suits you nicely and is really cute.

Anonymous said...

You definitely picked the best dress

BaldyLocks said...

Shoes are a whole other can of worms! I already did a photo shoot with my shoes to post today :)

Anonymous said...

That one was my fave! You look marvellous.

mydesertstudio said...

Absolutely the best pick of the bunch. You look wonderful in it.

BaldyLocks said...

I'm glad everyone agrees. I'm so in love with my dress. Someone will have to stop me from wearing it EVERY DAY!

Michelle said...

Great choice!! I love the photos of you in your dresses taking a photo!! Very cool!

Kelly Kane said...

You sooo picked the right one! Enjoy! :)

Catherine Chandler said...

oooooooooh that is such a cute dress! Great pick :)

Anonymous said...

Your post made me smile. You looked pretty smoking in all of those lady.


Good things are on the horizon for you.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful choice! And you were wise to leave that "nighty" at the store from whence it was born.

T.Allen said...

Ha! That was my favorite. The purplish one was nice too the little keyhole was a look, no? Well, go have fun now!

Stick Nymph said...

Yay! That one was my favorite.

Morrgan said...

As I was scrolling down looking at the photos, I thought "ooooh, I hope she got #2". So yeah, I think you made a good choice. ;)

ppdesigns said...

great choice! that was fav one too - it looks fab on you!

Kelly Drill said...

That's ADORABLE. Nice call.

PAC said...

Great choice!

Beachy Rustica said...

I really enjoyed going shopping with you... great post & great dress too!

Caroline said...

I agree with everyone else--that was my instant favorite when I looked through the photos here. Very cute!

maryeb said...

Saw you in an etsy thread and had to check out your blog, if for no other reason than I love it's title. Very clever.
Great idea to share your shopping adventure. I would have never thought of that, but it was fun to see.

pomomama said...

have great fun at the wedding! i smiled as i saw your 'trying on dresses' pics (you'e picked a great one BTW)

altho not as dramatic, i found that my body had changed big time after giving birth and i had no idea what suited. i found What Not To Wear, the book of the tv series by trinny and susanna v useful in determining what my body shape would look good in

(hope that link comes up OK)

Cam-a-lam said...

I just found your blog and I love it! It's so inspiring to hear the stories of other cancer survivors. I'm going to link to your blog so I can share it with my friends.



Vivian said...

You look marvelous in that dress & also dress #3. Glad you didn't pick the first one.

Love your blog. Thanks for your openess & honesty.

melroska said...

i definitely think you made the right choice, that dress is totally cute.

Unknown said...

it fits you really well. those are all nice selections.