Wednesday, August 20, 2008


My son is completely CANCER FREE! As I expected, he is just lumpy. Lumpy, lumpy lymph nodes and that's IT!

Now maybe life can get back to normal, whatever that is. If anybody needs me I'll just be laying in an exhausted puddle on the floor.


hockeychic said...

HALLELUJAH! I am so grateful to hear this news! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!

Cheering from the rooftops!

Jaded said...

YAY!!!!! since you can't move i'll do the happy dance for you! *happy dance*

Ndinombethe said...

yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! so so so very happy for you and cyborg boy :)

Charlotte said...

FANTASTIC NEWS! I am so pleased and relieved for you both, this has been on my mind - and I kept checking...

Sending love from the UK, Ch xx

Dawny said...

Great new....phew !!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Baldybabe!! That is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!! :)

Kelly Kane said...


Captain Skulduggery Dug said...

*mops up the puddle*

Woooooooooo Hooooooooo!

High Desert Diva said...

Fuckin' ay..........


One Mother with Cancer said...

That's such wonderful news!!!

Anonymous said...

GREAT NEWS!! That's fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!!! Doing the happy dance for you!!! This calls for a celebration!

Anonymous said...

That is some of the best news I've heard for a long time. I'm so happy for you guys!

Michelle said...


Evelin said...

Amen! God Bless darlings :)

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! congratulations to you and yours! What a wonderful gift. You deserve it lady. :)

tracy said...

Yay, good news! I was really concerned and kept checking back.

*sigh of relief*
