Sunday, September 28, 2008

Self Preservation

Sometimes I find I take photograph after photograph of myself for fear that I may fade away completely.

And no one will even know I existed.


High Desert Diva said...

Deep thoughts this morning.

"I don't exist when you don't see me."

~ Sisters Of Mercy

Rosebud Collection said...

You will always exist..

Chichiboulie said...

Ditto what Rosebud said.

Great photo though so don't stop taking them

April H said...

You are beautiful.

Unknown said...

You are so amazing. I'll always think of you....

Anonymous said...

i see you.

you ARE amazing.

Tracy (artgirlx)

Anonymous said...

Ich weiss, dass Sie existieren!
Sie sind grossartig. Weiter so.
(I know that you exist!
You are great. Keep it up.)


Charlotte said...

...And I see you too, all the way from the UK! Sending love and energy, Ch xx

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever left a comment...,but I check your blog daily. I want you to know just how much I enjoy . It's funny how someone you don't know can become part of your life. So see you do exist in so many ways...

Jane ( mom of Jake a young man with refractory hodgkins)

Anonymous said...

I love this photo and the accompanying sentiment. It resonates deeply.

Unknown said...

cool photo! I see you!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and the thoughts that you share here.

And your picture touched me deeply.

So see, you exist.

melissa said...

I see ya
Cool pic by the way!!

Moonchild Dancing! said...

That was a punch in the gut.. pretty profound. Amazing photo.

Keeping this short and forgive me if it's far out but I must share because I cannot not share..See.. it's my feeling that you will always exist.. when we part from this world we leave our bodies behind in some way they join with the earth and eventually we turn to the soil and the rocks that nurture us so deeply at all times. We will always exist. Being here means that we are a part of this world for as long as it exists. Okay.. done now.

lesley said...


BaldyLocks said...

What wonderful comments from everybody.

Evelin said...

You will live on... in thoughts, memories and your blog :)

beautiful photo... and you're an inspiration :)


hockeychic said...

I didn't comment on this earlier, I was so touched by it. A beautiful photo.

You are here! I see you!