Saturday, June 20, 2009


Mind, Body & Soul


Jens said...

Thoughtful. Good-looking.

BaldyLocks said...

Thank you, Jens.

Anonymous said...

I just got a few little tears in eyes from that photo.

Susan C said...

That's my mantra!

You do look beautiful and vulnerable.

BaldyLocks said...

Yeah, the vulnerable bit is the one I seem to be going through right now.

hockeychic said...

I like the message and the photo is so powerful. I got tears in my eyes too.

Sending you strength and encouragement.

Dennis Pyritz, RN said...

Congratulations! I noticed that your blog was listed in Top 50 Cancer Sites & Resources by Asbestos News, as was my blog Being Cancer, and others I am sure you are familiar with. I noticed the site as a referrer on my statistics page so I checked it out.
Take care, Dennis

Bohemian Chic said...

you little rock star...looks like an album cover..(am I dating myself) you look gorgeous darling...we need to get together soon and sip an apple martini and catch up. Seems we are on the same path and a little lost with out a map.

robs said...

I'm glad you got what I was saying... I have a tendency to ramble a bit, particularly about raw emotions that, like you, only I seem to understand.

As for taking control of my situation, I'm afraid you give me a bit too much credit right now. I sort of feel like I'm taking giant baby steps. I guess this week I've been feeling like for all my efforts to take control of things, it would be more helpful if I know where I was going with it (logic and reasoning tends to hit me like a ton of bricks).

Have you checked out Defy Adventures?

I've kinda been thinking it would be something to aim for for me (both in physically trying to get into shape, but also another chance to run away again).

Dawny said...

It really should be an album cover.

Stay strong

Reiki hugs

Kyra said...

this is a beautiful photo. beautifully sad.