Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Right now I'm wavering between writing an angry rant and having a pity party. My body is a mess. I went to my GP because I'm not even sure how I'll be able to get through and make it to my other appointments. I'm continuing on doing all the things that a parent needs to do like getting groceries, driving the boys to their sports but I can feel the negative impact of doing these things. I feel like I need to curl up for a week and let my body heal.

I have a thousand things going through my mind right now but they aren't settling into any particular thought or emotion. I'm just tired. My body is in trouble on so many levels.


naw said...

can you get some one to help out for a few days to give you some time so that you can just stay in bed and sleep for a few days?

BaldyLocks said...

Unfortunately, no. I've given the boys the heads up and hopefully they'll kick back into taking care of everything mode. I just really hate not being able to be the mom I'd like to be.

naw said...

rose please dont feel mothers guilt about this, if you want to be a mom just get well again so that you can be a mom as if you run your self into the ground you cant be a mom to them sick!! get well again and you can be the mom you want to be to them for now you need to take care of your self and believe me your kids more then understand that!!!
I havent said this to you yet as I just didnt want to take away from your own problems but I guess you should know that I also got sick not once but 2 times from each flu shots both times, Alot of what you have described has happened to me each time I got one of the 2 flu shots, mind you not as extreme but I felt similarly. Im seeing my hema-oncologist tomorrow for my day +200 follow up and it is some thing I plan to birng up so if I get any feedback form him about it I will pass it along promise!!! I hope every day that you get well...
lots of love
Neil xoxo

Captain Skulduggery Dug said...

*hug* It's hard, when you are ill, to be all you want to be, when your body isn't up to it and your mind longs to live up to all your dreams. Sometimes the dreams have to change and the goals have to be rescheduled. Don't beat yourself up about it. Accept it and give yourself permission to rest and heal.

BaldyLocks said...

Thanks Scully. I wish I could at least put a Christmas tree up, though. And I'd rather be resting with Christmas cookies and hot chocolate :)

Maybe I can have a pretend Christmas later.

Sweetlife said...

I hope things are at least a little better today. Go ahead with an angry rant if you want...we can take it. Just want you to know I'm thinking of you.

Captain Skulduggery Dug said...

Well Christmas is only celebrated on the day it is because way back when they tagged the celebrations onto a pagan festival, so I don't see why you shouldn't celebrate Christmas whenever you like or feel able. I'm sure the boys would be up for a second Christmas later on.

Feel better soon gorgeous!