There's nothing like having a martini in the office. I'm sure it would make presentations go more smoothly.

...and lunch hour

...and heading home for the day.

Now, I see the irony of posting bad behavior on a site about beating cancer so I'll use this opportunity to say, smoking be bad!
I visited the Cancer Agency last year and spoke with a scientist/researcher there. He said that lung cancer almost didn't exist before cigarettes. They also track the increases of the smoking population and rates of lung cancer. Whenever smoking becomes more popular and there is a spike in smokers, 15 years later there will be a spike of lung cancer cases. There are very few things we can do in life to prevent cancer but not smoking is #1.
Now that I've been a big buzz kill and you're also wondering if I ever smoked, no, I've never smoked in my life. I'm one of the rare people who never even tried it.
And now it's out. You now know that I was called square when I was a teenager (despite 'square' being a much outdated word in the '80's).
No worries though! I've had the last laugh living a long healthy, cancer free... oh fuck.
You are one funny gal!
PS I thought you'd get a kick out of this photo on a friend's blog: http://southpasadena.blogspot.com/2010/03/bippity-boppity-booooo.html
It ties in with today's theme.
I smoked, and drank, and lived a healthy life, with stupid cancer, and then I got it again. Go figure. I eat my vegetables and grains and quit smoking...
PS I think we would be wearing girdles in Mad Men days...
Seriously baldylocks I love your blog it's too funny. I like you never smoked a day in my life so I guess I'll have the last laugh with my great F#$king health to.
I think the best we can do, Caroline, is refrain from rolling around in any toxic waste dumps, slam down that martini and hope for the best!
You are not alone, I too was a 'square' and have never smoked a single cigarette in my whole life! Even so, I used to get bronchitus and a 'smoker's cough' all the time. Not as bad as what you got, but still NOT FAIR! We should get some sort of perk in 'real life' for being so well behaved. I vote for free ice-cream because I have a sore throat from coughing so it's medicinal. ;)
That is so totally you leaving work with a martini in your hand..didn't you used to walk the kids to school with one in your hand????(okay I'm kidding, that was me)
LOL Good one!
Where is your MadMen nose? How are you supposed to smell your martini without a nose?
The Madmen noses were kind of ugly so I thought I could get along without one ;)
Oh, and medicinal use of ice cream is always welcome here.
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