Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day of the Inside Out Pants

Had a good day yesterday. Tried extra hard to get things done and am slowly getting somewhere. I've been cleaning and taking care of piles of things that I wasn't able to get to while I was sick over Christmas. I washed & folded piles of dirty laundry. I sent in an application for my passport, went for a long walk with a friend, stopped by the grocery store, came home and started making dinner.

I felt pretty good like I had finally had a day or two where I am actually functioning and getting something done. As I pulled out the groceries and started to cook I basked in the successfulness of my day and felt very confident and proud of myself. All was well until I went to put something in my pocket.

That's when I realized my super successful day was executed in inside out pants.


Jens said...


Once my boss even came in slippers to work. In slippers and two different socks. He did not even notice until we pointed it out.
In suit and slippers. A very strange sight. He was probably a bit too hastily that morning.


BaldyLocks said...

That's hilarious! I'm so glad you posted that, that makes me feel a lot better.

Caroline said...

I was at a trade show, managing a booth, wearing a blue shoe and a black shoe all day.

BaldyLocks said...

Well that's just a fashion statement, Caroline ;)

Little Time Wasters said...

I managed to go to school and work several times with my shirt on inside out. And this is a shirt with a proper collar (we have uniforms in the UK) so it looked and felt weird. Clearly, your mind had deeper things to concentrate on that outer appearances (that is my excuse).

Captain Skulduggery Dug said...

Isn't that the way all the cool kids are wearing their trousers these days?

Dawny said...

haaaahahahaha :O)