Monday, April 12, 2010

OMG! Cancer Summit

I've decided I'm going this year! The summit is 3/4 full so if you want in, register now!

OMG! Cancer Summit

I'm really hoping to finally fill the need I have to be around some people who know what I'm going through. I won't be the odd man out for once!


Sweetlife said...

Snippity Snap Baldylocks! I am going to this event too!!!

I can't wait to meet you in person my Friend!!!

BaldyLocks said...


Tara said...

Me too!!! Can't wait to meet you!! :-D

BaldyLocks said...

Double YAY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I qualify as a 'young' adult anymore, but I wish I could go with! Have fun and enjoy knowing you aren't alone!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! You are going to meet some awesome people i'm sure. :)