This morning I woke feeling refreshed and optimistic. Today is Canada Day after all! When I came downstairs I saw all of our silkscreening paraphernalia out. What the hey have they been up to!?

It turned out that the boys wanted to be properly decked out for Canada Day celebrations tonight so they grabbed some old white T shirts and cut a maple leaf stencil.

They silkscreened the giant maple leaf onto the shirts and son # 2 even made a gigantic button with our button maker.

They put on their red long sleeved Light the Night, volunteer shirts and were ready to go. Youngest son had had the brilliant foresight to get Canada shorts for the summer.

I made them do a quick photo shoot and they were off!

I'm so damn proud of my sons. Happy Canada Day!
Aw - how sweet! Love the spirit in these images!
I'm SO excited that you posted my sons pictures on Poppytalk! I just can't stop gushing about how cute they are!
So yesterday was Canada - day. I congratulate all Canadians (even though it was yesterday).
Ah, July 1 1867 - Constitution (so I've read).
Argentina 0 - Germany 4. Yeah. This was a complete destruction of the Argentine team. The English team was a tougher opponent. Maradonna was just a loudmouth. His world stars have done .... nothing. Now I go into town to drink some good German beers.
Cheers, my lady!
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