Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I haven't been blogging as much as usual because I'm having such grand adventures. I've been doing slightly better and I got my camera back! Having my camera=adventure. For some reason, when I have it, that is when the neat stuff happens....but then again, maybe we make our own neat stuff.

To start off with, when I recieved my camera back from the camera hospital, there was this photo on it for me. Thanks camera guys! I love it!

Next I went to a hidden cove where I had to contend with many stairs.

It was well worth the effort.

But in my peaceful oasis I had a sudden visitor.

He/She wasn't very happy with me that I was blocking his/her path across the beach. I eventually got hissed at so I went on my way. After all it wasn't just my peaceful oasis.

Yesterday I went up a nearby mountain and tried out my new camera remote. I had a blast. An, exhausting, exhausting blast.

I can't even believe it's winter.

Back to my second Photoshop class this afternoon!


becca.elpy said...

Those pics are really nice!

High Desert Diva said...


Your cove visitor was PDC...

Glad you're having fun being reunited with your camera!

Bohemian Chic said...

okay thats it....we will have to get our cameras together for a play date...don't you just love this weather..spring has sprung said...

Great pix!

Tanya said...

Awesome little adventure. Glad you had your camera to snap a photo of the visitor.

Anonymous said...

awesome pics! Love the otter dude. And that cove is lovely! Horray for the beach!

Curly Girl Glass said...

cool otter shots! Canada is so beautiful

Infinite Cosmos said...

what awesome pics! i love that cute otter guy :-)

Connie said...

what a cute otter!

Captain Skulduggery Dug said...

Wow! That otter is gorgeous! Oh and who is that gorgeous lady leaping about on the mountain? Could that possibly be you? Well don't you look completely different when you are enjoying yourself!

Anonymous said...

You look so revitalized! Great pictures. Love the otter. Congrats on the class - that's awesome!