Saturday, November 7, 2009

Children in the Attic

I sit here in my living room hearing what sounds like footsteps above my head. They sound like hesitant steps of someone tiptoeing....wandering....

That's because I keep the children in the attic.

For my safety's sake they have the upstairs, not including my bedroom and I have the downstairs and the kitchen. We have an upper and a lower bathroom as well. I have put rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle to disinfect all the doorhandles, light switches and faucet taps. I stocked up on soup, gingerale, Tylenol and Halls (by special request). I have my Tamiflu in my purse ready to take.

I'm all set for the zombie apocalypse...oops, I mean the H1N1.

I keep putting on my mask, going upstairs and making deliveries of tea, food and drink to the infected. I'm hoping if I appease the fickle higher powers, they may have mercy and pass me by.

Meanwhile, in my body I think there is a mini triathlon going on. It seems like there is some sort of internal finish line and the microscopic viruses are racing my antibodies for the win. Who will get there first? I've definitely been exposed and keep having a touch of a sore throat, mild headache and hot flashes.... but unfortunately that's a normal day for me. I really can't tell who's winning.

I'm on the antibodies team for obvious reasons, I'm not ready to put those pretty shoes on yet.


Captain Skulduggery Dug said...

*puts on her antibodies cheerleaders uniform and starts leaping about in encouragement*

tattytiara said...

Defy the little microscopic bastards, babe. You're bigger. You win. That's the rule.

Unknown said...

I had the flu before the shots came out, too. I think the kimchi scared it away though.

It wasn't as bad as the flu I got back in 2005. I thought that was going to kill me.

BaldyLocks said...

1:30 am my time. Just took my Tamiflu because suddenly my bronchial tubes feel like they are being attacked.

Stupid virus.

Lynn Kellan said...

Groan...I really hope you all are feeling well soon!!

Caroline said...

Ugh, I hope everyone feels better soon! We've yet to experience the nastiness in our house but we have all winter... I feel like it's only a matter of time.

dd said...

I have to tell you, this whole blog post, and the last, kind of grossed me out, and I think I'm going to have to sanitize my keyboard and mouse.

I hope everyone feels better. Do take care of ya'll's selves.

Lemon Shortbread said...

hope you managed to stay virus free! h1n1 is stupid I plan to get vaccinated too.