Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So Fucking Hot

I am so damn hot.

As in literally. I am trying to get ready to go out with the girls and I'm having nuclear fission type hot flashes.

My entire body is red and I feel claustrophobic in my clothes, I keep stripping them off but then I have to put them on again if I want to leave the house.

Hopefully I'll survive the night, I swear it feels like I could die. Sweat is pouring off me. Anything constricting, even shoes makes it flare even worse and my face is bright red like a cherry tomato.

Hopefully it will be interpreted as a healthy glow rather than a sweaty meltdown.

Thanks cancer (not)


Jens said...

Naked, haha.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Pateeta said...

LOL. You look great! Hope you had fun